(4) Remove the nut (6) from the connector
through the access plate located
that holds the conduit tube (7) to the electrical connector
on the motor. The motor removal
procedure would be the same
(5) Remove the screws (3) that hold the
electrical connector box to the electric motor, and
(7) Remove the six screws that hold the
remove the box from the motor.
cover to the control panel box (2) and remove the cover
(6) Remove the motor and the pump with the
from the box.
pipe connections from the frame.
(8) Remove the two nuts and the ground wire
from the capscrews (1) that secure the control panel box
Electric motors furnished with
to the frame.
some of the bath units and as
(9) Remove the capscrews that hold the
replacements differ in that they
control panel box to the frame, and remove the box with
the conduit tube from the frame.
.have no box affixed to them for
e. Installation. Replace defective frame with a
making the motor connections.
serviceable one, and install it by reversing the
These motors have a conduit
procedure in d above.
elbow going into the side of the
motor and connections are made