TM 10-8400-201-23
Periodically during the work and when adjusting the Iron, test a patch which has cooled for about 5 minutes
by picking with the fingers at an edge of the patch until a tab about 1/4 to 1/2-inch (0.64 cm to 1 76 cm)
long is formed. Pull hard on the tab with fingers A well bonded tab will be difficult to peel off and will
indicate that Iron adjustment and heating time are adequate. Replace the check test patch with a new
If the adhesive strikes through the patch cloth, too much heat has been applied. Reduce time of pressing
or temperature of the Iron A small amount of strike through is not objectionable provided the patch meets
the above cited check test
A bonded patch which has a lifted edge will be re-ironed. A bonded patch which has been subjected to the
check test will be replaced.
When patching by special automatic press, the platen temperature, dwell time, dwell pressure, and other
details shall be in accordance with the press manufacturer's Instructions.
Cleaning. Clean items by utilizing laundry facilities provided at the installation If cleaned by user launder items
In water as hot as the hands can stand using a mild soap or detergent
b. Direct Support Maintenance.
Preliminary examination and cleaning. Remove dirt, mud, dust and other foreign matter by brushing Test Item
for weakness by placing thumb on the area In question and applying pressure, or by pinching the cloth and
attempting to tear against the warp Test seams by grasping the item with both hands and pulling at right angles
to the seam Mark places to be repaired with crayon Erase or obliterate non-specifications and personnel
Laundering. Items will be processed In Army laundry facilities in accordance with established practices set forth
in FM 10-280. When such facilities are not available, Items will be laundered by contract with private industry in
accordance with acceptable commercial laundry practices.
Stitching. The following types of stitch (Illustrated in Specification Fed-S-751), thread size, and stitches
per Inch will be used when stitching is permitted in subsequent paragraphs (table 7-1 ).
Buttons. Resew loose buttons. Replace defective, broken or missing buttons with new ones of like size,
color and style. Turn in the ends of braid or coat buttons and double bartack.
Buttonholes. Rework defective buttonholes over gimp for proper fit over buttons, securely bartack the
ends Reshape enlarged buttonholes before reworking.
Belt Loops. Restitch loose belt loops Replace frayed, torn or worn loops by fabricating from like material to
same size as Item being replaced.
Coat hanger loops Restitch loose hanger loops Replace missing or defective loops with new ones
fabricated from like material to same size as that being replaced.