TM 10-8400-203-23
Apply the adhesive to each surface to be joined and
press the surfaces firmly together. When using adhe-
sive for repairing open seams or broken stitches, it is
recommended that the adhesive not be used for re-
pair of bartacking nor for the repair of pocket to shell
seam. Use of adhesive is not recommended on open
or broken seams in excess of one and a half inches
(3.81 cm). When the outer shell has been removed
from the vest, open seams and broken stitches may
be repaired by the above adhesive patching cement
procedure or by following types of stitch, thread size,
and stitches per inch specified in table 3-2. Machines
will be used for all servicing except in emergency
repair. Adjust thread tension so that there will be no
loose stitching or excessively tight stitching resulting
in puckering of the material sewn. When restitching an
open seam or when a thread breaks during normal
stitching, backstitch not less than 3/4 inch (1.91 cm). For
stitch-type illustrations, see Federal Standard 751. In
general, stitching, will conform to that of original man-
ufacture and be performed with nylon thread con-
forming to Type I, II, or Ill, any type of Specification