TM 10-8400-203-23
Do not stitch through the vinyl casing. If the vinyl casing is determined to be
serviceable, place the casing with insert into a new outer shell of appropri-
ate size insuring that the ballistic insert is smooth within the casing and
outer shell; turn the edges of the open end of the shell to the inside, and
close opening at back by stitching 1/16- to1/8-inch (0.159 to 0.318 cm) from
edge. Care is required in this operation as damage by needle puncture of
the vinyI film will invalidate the repair.
f. Slide Closure Lace Replacement. If any side closure lace is visibly damaged (cut, abraded, or has lost
elastic properties) or not proper length, replace all the laces (1) in the vest with new side closure laces.
g. Vinyl Casing Replacement.
(1) The vinyl casing is critical to maintaining the integrity of protection afforded by the ballistic insert. If
the vinyl casing appears stiff or discolored, contains any ruptured heat seals, contains any holes, or is
in any way damaged, replace the vinyl casing with a new one.