TM 10-8400-203-23
Case, Small Arms Ammunition
LIN D70550
Inspection Procedure: lnspect item for damaged or missing parts. Check for damaged or broken plastic flap fasten-
ers and metal parts. Check for rips, tears, holes, burns, grease, oil or other contaminants. Check inside case for
missing or damaged separation straps. Cracks or splits in the plastic stiffener in the wall of the case shall not be
considered unserviceable unless the stiffener interferes with placing magazines in or taking them out of the case.
2. Classification:
Code A. New items with no evidence of use, missing parts, or damage.
Code B. Used items that are not suitable for Code A, but are complete, undamaged, clean, and suitable for
issue as is.
Code F. Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing missing or damaged parts (velcro or snap fas-
teners are suitable for flap fasteners), repairing small holes or tears (1/2 inch diameter or length), no
more than 4 repairs per case, and cleaning. Holes or rips in the bottom corners or along the bottom
seams (or burn holes) are nonrepairable and are cause for salvage.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Cover, Bivy, lCWSS/ECWSS; Chapter 20
LIN Not Available
Inspection Procedure: Inspect for rips, tears, holes, burns, grease, oil, discoloration or fading, dry rot. missing or
broken snap fasteners or single cord locks (barrel locks), or damaged draw cords.
2. Classification:
Code A. New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Items that can be repaired (maximum length of repair totaling 15 inches) by replacing missing or
damaged cords, webbing, snap fasteners, single cord locks, double bar buckles and repair or patch
holes, rips or tears that do not exceed one inch in diameter or length.
Code F. Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing missing or damaged cords, webbing, double
bar buckles, single cord locks and repair or patch holes, rips or tears that do not exceed one inch in
diameter or length. Some discoloration or fading is acceptable. Maximum of 4 repairs.
Code H. Unsericeable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Cover, Canteen 1 Quart
LIN F30391
Inspection Procedure: Inspect item for damaged or missing parts. Check for rips, tears, holes, burns, grease, oil,
or other contaminants.
2. Classification:
Code A. New item with no evidence of use or missing/damaged parts.
Code B. Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are complete, undamaged, clean, and suitable for
issue as is.
Code F.
Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing missing or damaged parts (snap fasteners are
a suitable substitute for plastic fasteners), repairing small holes or team (1/2 inch diameter or length
maximum and no more than 4 repairs per case), or cleaning. Holes or rips in the bottom corners or
along the bottom seams or any burn hole is nonrepairable and is cause for salvage.
Code H. Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or does not meet the criteria for Code F.
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