TM 10-8400-203-23
Bag, Stuff, Intermediate Cold Weather Sleeping System
/Extreme Cold Weather Sleeping System; Chapter 20
No Assigned LIN
Inspection Procedure: Inspect for rips, tears, holes, burns, grease, oil, stains, missing or broken double bar buckles
and single cord locks and discoloration or fading.
Code A. New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B. Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are dean, undamaged, and have no more than 4
repaired areas.
Code F. Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing missing or damaged cords, well-being,
double bar buckles, single cord locks or by patching holes, rips or tears that do not exceed 1 inch
diameter or length. Some fading or discoloration is acceptable. Maximim of 4 repairs per item.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Bag, Waterproof, Clothing
LIN B15825
Inspection Procedure: Inspect each item for holes, tears, separated seams, or missing tie cord. Check loops to as-
sure they are present and serviceable. Check that item is not deteriorated. Check for oil, grease, or other soiled
areas. Inspect for mildew, rot, or other deterioration.
Code A.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B. Used items that are not suitable for Code A, but are complete and acceptable for issue as is. The item
will be free of mildew and rot. The synthetic rubber coating will be intact and serviceable.
Code F. Unserviceable items that require only repairs to the loops or have missing tie cords. Small holes in the
bag maybe patched, (1 inch or less). Rips or tears exceedhg 3 inches are not repairable. All patches
will be applied to the inside of the bag.
Code H. Unserviceable items that have holes requiring more than 5 patches or have rips and tears. Pin holes
in bag are not criteria for Code H.
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