TM 10-8400-203-23
(e) Patches larger than the iron may be applied in sections, starting at the center and completing
each section, before proceeding to the next section. Overlapping of the iron over a bonded
section is permissible:
A small amount of patch adhesive strike-through is not objectionable
sleeping bag repair, provided the patch meets the check test.
(f) A bonded patch which has a lifted edge or which is suspected or found by the check test to be
weakly bonded may be re-ironed, e.g., replacement is not required.
d. Cleaning and Drying. Sleeping bags should be laundered and dried using procedures outlined in Formula
II of FM 10-280.
Dry cleaning shall not be used.
e. Replacement of the 70-inch (177.8 CM) Slide Fastener.
Removal and Installation.
(1) Arctic, Mountain, Intermediate and Extreme Cold Sleeping Bag with Snap Fasteners on Chapes.
Carefully cut off the slide fastener tape lengthwise as close as possible to the outer row of stitching
holding slide fastener.
(2) Intermediate and Extreme Cold Sleeping Bags with Snap Fasteners Attached Directly to 1 1/4 Inch
(3.175 cm) Webbing.
Left Side. Cut outer two rows of stitching holding slide fastener. Cut slide fastener tape lengthwise
as close as possible to the remaining row of stitching.
Right Side. Cut the outer row of stitching holding the slide fastener. Cut the slide fastener tape
lengthwise as close as possible to the remaining rows of stitching.
Left Side (Intermediate and Extreme Cold Sleeping Bags with Snap Fasteners on Chapes.)
Position the slide fastener tape between the 1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) top guard webbing and the 2 1/2
inch (6.35 cm) weather strip tape with the inside edge of the slide fastener chain along the edge of
the 1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) webbing. Attach the slide fastener tape either to the weather strip tape or
the guard webbing with a row of stitching 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) minimum from the inside edge of the
slide fastener chain for the full length of the opening. Sew an additional row of stitching through
the guard webbing, the weather strip tape, and the slide fastener tape which when sewn will not
interfere with the movement of the slider.