TM 10-8400-203-23
(3) Replacement. Replace by cutting the drawstring at the edge of binding tape where it is attached to the
face opening. Cut a length of nylon braid 30 ± 1/2 inches (76.2 ± 1.27 cm) long and fuse cut ends. Knot
one end of drawstring with a figure eight knot located 3/8 to 5/8 inch (0.953 to 1.588 cm) from end. At one
end of casing pass unknotted end of drawstring through opening formed by a bartack and position
drawstring within the casing with the unknotted end protruding approximately two inches from other
end of casing and on opposite side of bartack, i.e., not within the opening formed by the bartack. Fold
the end of drawstring that is unknotted under 1/2 inch and position folded end even with edge of binding
tape and against end of drawstring casing. Bartack or stitch through folded end of drawstring within a
1/2 inch (1.27 cm) bartack or with 3 rows of stitching. Install other drawstring in the same manner
except start from other end of casing.
p. Lubrication. Use zipper ease stick (Section Ill), apply lubricant to slide fastener and chain. This will
maintain free sliding action and aid in preventing breakage of slide fastener chain.
q. Alternate Repair Method.
Repair may also be accomplished through the use of iron-on patches conforming to either Type I or Type II of
MIL-C-43677, applied to the exterior of the bag. The repair procedure is as follows:
(1) Trim loose threads and frayed edges of the torn or damaged areas.
(2) Clean dust and dirt from area with a dry brush.
(3) Cut patches to the desired size and shape, such that the patch, when applied will extend 3/4 inch in all
directions from the tear or damaged areas. Patches will have rounded corners.
(4) Place area to be patched on a wooden or other non-metallic surface not affected by heat of patching.
Smooth out by hand. The area to be patched maybe rewarmed with a household electric dry iron set
at cotton for 5 seconds or less.
(5) Apply the previously cut patch: Apply heat either through use of a household electric iron or a
commercial type hot press such as Thermopress Model HP-8. If household electric dry iron is used
the setting should be cotton and heat should be applied for 8 to 12 seconds using a gentle motion of
the iron. If a hot press is used the pressure shall be 20 psi, the temperature 415°F (212.77°C) and the
dwell time 11 seconds. The patch should be maintained in a static condition for 5 minutes after
(6) The above material may be obtained through the supply system by requisitioning NSN
8305-00-460-4200, Cloth, Coated.