TM 10-8400-203-23
a. Inspection. Prior to repair each item will be inspected to determine the amount of repair necessary. Repair
will be made as fully as skills, facilities, funds and local conditions permit, if cost does not exceed 65
percent of the acquisition cost of the item.
b. Cleaning. Place mattress requiring cleaning on a flat surface with plug tightly in place and scrub
thoroughly, using water and a mild soap or detergent which will have no harmful effect on the fabric. Do not
wash items with holes or other defects which might permit entry of water into the air chamber until after
such defects are repaired. Exception of this is in instances when sufficient air pressure can be maintained
in the mattress during cleaning to prevent the entry of water. During the cleaning process, examine
partially or wholly inflated items for bubbles or other indications of leaks and clearly mark such areas for
repair. Rinse thoroughly in clear water after scrubbing. When the proper Quartermaster or commercial
type laundry equipment is available, tightly stoppered and leak-free mattresses may be tumbled, using
two 3-minute rinses in cold water followed by a laundry sour rinse, When this method is used, exercise
care to prevent over washing or use of excessive heat. Petroleum base solvents or other cleaning
compounds which may have an injurous effect on the mattresses will not be used. Cleaning will be
accomplished in such manner as to insure against damage to the coating. Thoroughly clean stoppers and
wing tubing with castile soap or by other antiseptic, nontoxic, and nonirritating process.
Toluene, Federal Specification TT-T-548, is toxic and flammable. Use only in
a well-ventilated area. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors. Keep away
from open flame. Do not use excessive amounts,
c. Installing the Inflator Tube.
(1) The inflating tube will be cleaned for cementing as follows: Abrade the entire face and back of the
circular flange by means of a motor driven wheel or by hand sanding; using abrasive fabric such as
Gritcloth C-120. After abrading, none of the previously applied adhesive will be visible. Wash the
surface with a clean cloth wetted with toluene (NSN 6810-00-281-2002) to remove abrasion dust.
(2) Abrade by hand the area where the inflating tube and the circular reinforcement piece are to be
affixed, using Gritcloth C-120 (Comprising an area approx. 4 1/2 inches (11.43 cm) in diameter on the
exterior surface of the mattress).
(3) Cut a circular piece of the same material as used in the fabrication of the mattress approx. 4 inches in
diameter with an approximate 1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) diameter hole. Wipe one side of each piece with
toluene in preparation for the adhesive. Circular pieces can be cut from salvaged pneumatic
(4) Apply a medium-thickness brush coat of a two-part neoprene cement (NSN 8040-00-515-2246) to
the entire bottom side of the inflating tube flange and to the 4 1/2 inch (11.43 cm) diameter area around
the valve hole of the mattress. Allow the coats to dry at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes. Apply a
second coat of cement to the flange bottom. Allow to dry at room temperature for two to three minutes
before affixing the inflating tube to the mattress. Role the flange down by means of a two-pound, two-
inch wide steel roller for best adhesion.