TM 10-8400-203-23
(d) Left Side (Intermediate and Extreme Cold Sleeping Bags with Snap Fasteners Attached Directly
to 1 1/4 Inch (3.175 cm) Webbing. ) Position the slide fastener between the 1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) top
guard webbing and the 2 1/2 inch (6.35 cm) weatherstrip tape with the edge of the tape abutting the
remaining row of stitching. Sew two rows of stitching, a minimum of 1/8 inch (0.3175 cm) apart,
between the edge of the snap fastener and the remaining row of stitching.
(e) Left Side (Intermediate and Extreme Cold Sleeping Bags with Snap Fasteners on Chapes.)
Position the slide fastener tape between the 4 inch flap and the 1 1/4 bottom guard webbing, with
the inside edge of the slide fastener chain along the edge of the 1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) webbing.
Attach the slide fastener tape either to the bottom guard webbing or the flap with a row of stitching
1/4 inch (0.635 cm) minimum from the inside of the slide fastener chain for the full length of the
opening. Sew an additional row of stitching through the guard webbing, flap and slide fastener
tape which when sewn will not interfere with the movement of the slider. Sew the slide fastener
tapes (beyond the bottom edge of the chain) to the outside guard webbing and flap with a double
row of stitching across the webbing and flap.
Right Side (Intermediate and Extreme Cold Bags with Snap Fasteners Attached Directly to the
1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) Webbing.) Position the slide fastener between the 4 inch flap and the 1 1/4 inch
(3.175 cm) bottom guard webbing with the edge of the tape abutting the remaining row of
stitching. Sew one row of stitching through the slide fastener tape, a minimum of 1/4 inch (0.175
cm) from the inside edge of the chain, and the 1 1/4 inch (3.175 cm) bottom guard webbing. Sew
one row of stitching through the entire assembly a maximum of 3/8 inch (0.9525 cm) from the
remaining row of stitching. Sew the slide fastener tapes (beyond the bottom edge of the chain) to
the outside guard webbing and flap with a double row of stitching across the webbing and flap.
f. Replacement of the 74 Inch (187.36 cm) Slide Fastener (Mountain and Arctic Sleeping Bags).
(1) Removal. Carefully cut off the slide fastener tape along the edges of the metal chain.
(2) Installation.
(a) Install the 72-inch (187.88 cm) slide fastener in the same manner as the 70-inch (177.8 cm) slide
fastener (para 2-5e.)
(b) Refer to figure 2-1 and sew together two inches of the weather strip tape at the foot end of the
sleeping bag.
g. Foot Tie Straps-Repair.
(1) Darning. There is no limit to the number of times that the tie straps may be darned. Darn a hole or tear
that does not exceed 1/4 inch (0.25 cm) in length or diameter.
(2) Removal. Replace the straps which have holes or tears exceeding 1/4 inch (0.175 cm) in length and
diameter. Carefully cut the stitching securing the damaged tie strap to the sleeping bag and remove
the damaged strap.