TM 10-8400-203-23
(5) Apply one coat of cement to the top of the flange and to the surrounding area of the mattress (the 4 1/2
inch (11.43 cm) diameter abraded area) and to one side of the circular reinforcement piece. Allow the
coats to dry at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes. Apply a second coat to the top of the flange and
the surrounding area of the mattress (4 1/2 inch (11.43 cm) diameter). Set the reinforcing piece over the
top of the flange, after the second coat has dried at room temperature for two to three minutes. Roll
down the entire cemented unit.
(6) After repair, dust the smaller areas of exposed cement with talc, starch, or soapstone.
d. Body Patching.
The repair kit (NSN 8465-00-753-6335) is satisfactory for punctures and short tears; however, in
production repair the use of bulk adhesive and patches from salvaged mattresses is recommended.
Repair procedure is as follows: Cut a patch overlapping the damaged area with a margin of at least 3/4
inch (1.9 cm) on all sides.
Apply a medium-thickness brush coat of cement (NSN 8040-00-515-2246) to the patch and mattress
at area of repair. Allow the coats to dry at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes.
Apply a second coat. Dry the second coat at room temperature for two to three minutes. Apply the
patch over the damaged area. Roll down the entire cemented area.
Dust the area with talc, starch, or soapstone.
Do not inflate for at least 24 hours after cementing. Replace defective or
missing inflating tube stoppers (NSN 8465-00-319-4183).
e. Border Seams.
Equipment shall consist of a sewing machine with these recommended accessories: Use the finest
practicable size chrome plated round point needle, Teflon presser foot, knurled feed dog, Singer
needle cooler. Thread may be run over a pad saturated with water. Use no wax, oil, or grease thread
lubricant. Avoid high sewing speeds. Stitch Type 301; 8 to 10 stitches per inch.
The repair consists of cementing together the separated border seam, stitching the seam along the
inner edge and sealing the stitch holes. The detailed procedure is as follows:
Open the blown-out seam so that the seam separation extends the full width of the seam, i.e. the
separated area is squared off.
Prop the seam open and apply a heavy coat of cement to both sides of the open seam. (Excess
cement beyond the seam will do no harm).