TM 10-8465-237-10
The following information describes Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) procedures for
the Military Mountaineering Kits (MMKs). The PMCS table has been provided to ensure the components of
the MMKs are in proper operating condition and ready for use.
The following work package contains basic maintenance procedures.
PMCS will be performed before and after the use of the equipment. Inspection procedures will be
performed after any cleaning of the equipment.
PMCS Columnar Entries Table 1
Item Number. The item number column shall be used as a source of the item number required
for the TM Item No. column on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
Worksheet), when recording the results of the PMCS.
Interval. This column identifies the required PMCS interval.
Item to be checked or serviced. Contains the common name of the item to be inspected.
Procedure. Provides a brief description of the procedures by which the checks are to be
Equipment not ready/available if. Indicates faults that will prevent your equipment from
performing its primary mission. If you perform procedures listed in Procedure column that show
faults listed in this column, do not operate the equipment. Follow standard procedures for
maintaining the equipment or reporting equipment failure.
Recording Defects
All defects discovered during the inspection will be recorded using the applicable specifics in DA PAM
750-8 and DA PAM 738-751.
Corrosion Prevention Control (CPC)
Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) of Army materiel is a continuing concern. It is important that any
corrosion problems with this item be reported so that the problem can be corrected and improvements can
be made to prevent the problem in future items.
While corrosion is typically associated with rusting of metals, it can also include deterioration of other
materials, such as rubber or plastic. Unusual cracking, softening, swelling or breaking of these materials
may be a corrosion problem.
If a corrosion problem is identified, it can be reported using SF 368, Product Quality Deficiency Report.
Use of key words such as "corrosion," "rust," "deterioration," or "cracking" will ensure that the information
is identified as a CPC problem. This form should be submitted to the address specified in DA Pam 750-8.