TM 55-1615-226-40
r. Visually inspect spacer set (43) for wear and
damage, pitting, scratches and rust.
2-21. Repair And Replacement
2-22. Drive Link
2-23. Repair or replace drive link components in
accordance with the following instructions.
a. Replace drive link (5, figure 2-1) if found
defective by fluorescent penetrant inspection.
b. Replace bushing (47, figure 2-1) in trunnion
tang of drive link (5) if ID exceeds 0.3140 inch.
Replace bushing if scoring or damage to inside of
surface bushing exceeds 0.002 inch.
(1) Coat mating surfaces with primer
(item 10, table 1-2) and press new bushing into
trunnion tang.
(2) Line ream two bushings 0.3120 to
0.3125 after installation.
c. Replace bushing (46) in scissors tang of drive
link (5) if ID of bushing exceeds 0.5014 or if scoring or
damage to inner surface of bushing exceeds 0.002
(1) Coat mating surfaces with primer
(item 10, table 1-2) and press new bushing into
scissors tang.
(2) Line ream bushing to 0.4995 to 0.500
after installation.
d. Replace pivot bolt (4).
e. Replace drive link (5) if mechanical damage
exceeds 0.010 inch in depth in area within 1.25 inches
of centerline of the trunnion or the scissors attach-
ment tangs.
f. Replace drive link if corrosion damage
exceeds 0.005 inch in depth in area within 1.25 inches
of either scissors or trunnion attachment tangs.
g. Replace drive link if mechanical damage in
areas other than specified in step e above exceeds
0.035 inch in depth.
h. Replace drive link if corrosion damage in
any area other than specified in step f above exceeds
0.017 inch in depth.
i. Replace drive link if damage in any one area
exceeds 0.25 square inch in area or 0.75 inch in any
one length or if full depth repair exceeds these limits.
The transitional region
wherein the repair is
blended into surraunding
surface may be outside
these limits.
j. Replace drive link if mechanical damage to
surfaces surrounding a hole within 1.5 times radius
of that hole exceeds 0.010 inch in depth.
k. Replace drive link if corrosion damage to
surfaces surrounding a hole within 1.5 times radius
of that hole exceeds 0.005 inch in depth.
l. Mechanical damage to drive link except for
area within 1.25 inches of the centerline of the
trunnion and scissors attachment holes may be
polished out if damage does not exceed 0.035 inch in
depth before or after repair. The damage or the full
depth repair in any one area shall not exceed 0.25
square inch area nor 0.75 inch in any one length. The
area of blending repair into surrounding surface
may be outside these limits.
m. Corrosion damage to drive link except for
area within 1.25 inches of the centerline of the
trunnion and scissors attachment holes may be
polished out if damage does not exceed 0.017 inch in
depth. The damage or the full length repair in any
one area shall not exceed 0.25 square inch in area or
0.75 inch in any one length. The area of blending
repair into surrounding surfaces may lie outside
these limits.
n. Score marks on the inside surface of holes
and bushings may be polished out if the damage is
0.002 inch or less.
Polish out mechanical and
corrosion damage blend-
ing the repair smoothly
into the surrounding sur-
Polish out mechanical
damage only to a depth
sufficient to remove traces
of the damage. Polish out
corrosion damage to twice
to the depth of the pit.
Do not remove mare mat-
erial than necessary to
effect repair as described.
Do not use grinding wheel.
Polish out mechanical or
corrosion damage with
fine to medium grade ab-
rasive cloth (item 2, table
1-2) or fine India stone,