Figure 9. Floor diagonals.
Figure 10. Top hold-down bracing.
the car walls, as shown in figure 23. Care should be taken to
protect load from cleats.
e. Doorway Protection.
(4) Center gates are used to take up the space in
the doorway area of the car to prevent a shift in the load and
(1) Doorways of cars containing rough freight that
also to permit the ready removal of lading. Figure 25 shows a
is not liable to be damaged by contact with the ends of
center gate placed in the space in the load in the doorway
doorway boards can be protected as shown in figure 30.
area. When a large space is left in the doorway area,
(2) When freight' liable to be damaged by contact
blocking and bracing as shown in figures 26 and 27 should be
with ends of doorway bracing, such as fiber boxes, bags, or
used to secure the lading in position within the car.
wrapped commodities, is loaded, the doorway protection
(5) When the lading extends into the doorway
boards must be set flush with door posts and car lining.
area, it can be retained in position by securing the crosswise
Figure 31 shows the application of
flush doorway protection in
bracing to the doorway protection boards. Either 2-inch x 4-
cars with wooden door posts. The construction shown
inch, 2-inch x 6-inch, or 4-inch x 4-inch material should be