01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-1
TM 1-1500-344-23-1
TO 1-1-689-1
This chapter explains the purpose, appropriate usage, and the responsibility for
changes to this manual. Also, this section presents the scope and outline of this volume
of the manual, and an overview of the entire volumized manual.
Corrosion Programs
requirements, and provides general safety information.
This chapter explains what corrosion is, why it occurs, the various forms it can take,
and how to recognize it.
The glossary defines terms commonly used by personnel performing aircraft and
1-6.3.2. S h o u l d i s u s e d w h e n a p r o c e d u r e i s
consists of three chapters and a glossary, arranged as
recommended but not mandatory.
1-6.3.3. Will indicates future action but does not indicate
a mandatory procedure.
publications is provided in Chapter 1 of each volume of
this manual, as applicable.
1-6.3.4. May is used only when a procedure is optional.
NOTES). The following definitions apply to WARNINGS,
1-6.1. Supervisory and maintenance personnel shall
CAUTIONS and NOTES found throughout the manual.
use this manual as a guide for all corrosion control and
maintenance efforts. Contractors who maintain and
1-6.4.1. WARNING. An operation or maintenance
repair corrosion for military aircraft and avionics shall
procedure, practice, condition, or statement, which if
also comply with the requirements of this manual.
not strictly observed, could result in injury to or death of
personnel, or long term health hazards to personnel.
1-6.2. This manual shall be used in conjunction with
and in support of the appropriate Army Technical
1-6.4.2. CAUTION. An operating or maintenance
Manuals (TMs), Technical Bulletins (TBs), Department
procedure, practice, condition, or statement, which if
of the Army Pamphlets (DA PAMs), Navy Maintenance
not strictly observed, could result in damage/destruction
Instruction Manuals (MIMs), Navy Structural Repair
of equipment or loss of mission effectiveness.
Manuals (SRMs), Maintenance Requirement Cards
(MRCs), or Air Force Technical Orders (TOs).
1-6.4.3. NOTE. An operating procedure, practice, or
condition which is essential to emphasize.
1-6.2.1. In the case of a conflict between this manual
and other Navy manuals, this manual shall take
1-6.5. SERVICE DESIGNATIONS. Since this is a tri-
precedence; however, maintenance activities shall
service manual, not all sections apply to all services.
contact the appropriate Cognizant Field Activity (CFA)/
Information within the text that does not apply to all three
Fleet Support Team (FST) for immediate resolution of
services is designated after the paragraph number as
the conflict.
follows: (N) NAVY ONLY, (A) ARMY ONLY, or (AF) AIR
FORCE ONLY. Large sections that are service specific
1-6.2.2. The Army and Air Force specific systems/
are included as appendices in the appropriate volume.
components manuals shall take precedence over this
1-6.3. WORDING. The following definitions are adhered
1-7.1. GENERAL. All activities using this manual are
to in preparing this manual.
invited to submit recommended changes, additions, or
1-6.3.1. Shall is used when a procedure is mandatory.