01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-1
TM 1-1500-344-23-1
TO 1-1-689-1
to a portion of the existing manual. They consist of
replacement change pages for that section of the manual
Recommended changes, additions, or deletions shall
affected by the change.
be reported as follows:
1-8.2.3. Rapid Action Changes. Changes may be
1-7.2.1. Navy personnel should submit recommended
issued as a formal Rapid Action Change (RAC) or an
changes to the appropriate technical services facility
Interim Rapid Action Change (IRAC). IRACs are issued
using the reporting system outlined in OPNAVINST
as naval messages to expedite the release of urgent
and essential operational and maintenance change
information. Army and Air Force program managers are
1-7.2.2. Air Force personnel should refer to TO 00-5-1
responsible for retransmittal of IRACs to the appropriate
to report changes.
service addressees.
1-7.2.3. Army personnel should submit completed DA
2028/2028-2 forms to Commander, U.S. Army Aviation
and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-MA-NP,
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5220. Changes may also
1-9.1. Procedures to be used by Naval activities and
be submitted electronically via the Army website,
https://amcom2028.redstone.army.mil, or via email to:
technical manuals are defined in NAVAIR 00-25-100.
1-9.2. To automatically receive future changes and
revisions to NAVAIR technical manuals, an activity
must be established on the Automatic Distribution
1-8.1. RESPONSIBILITY. This manual is a tri-service
Requirements List (ADRL) maintained by the Naval Air
document, coordinated by the Materials Engineering
Technical Data and Engineering Service Command
Division, Naval Air Depot North Island, Code 4.9.7,
(NATEC). To become established on the ADRL, notify
San Diego, CA. The following activities are responsible
your activity central technical publications librarian. If
for maintaining this document: the Naval Air Systems
your activity does not have a library, you may establish
Command, the Air Force Corrosion Program Office,
your automatic distribution requirements by contacting
and the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command. As
the Commanding Officer, NATEC, Naval Air Station
necessary, representatives from these activities shall
North Island, P.O. Box 357031, Bldg. 90 Distribution,
meet to review proposed engineering and logistical
San Diego, CA 92135-7031. Annual reconfirmation of
changes to this manual. Changes are approved by all
these requirements is necessary to remain on automatic
services, except for service-specific information.
distribution. Use your NATEC assigned account number
whenever referring to automatic distribution
1-8.2. PROCEDURES. The Navy is the lead service
for publication of this manual; therefore, the following
Navy publication change procedures apply:
1-9.3. If additional or replacement copies of this manual
are required with no attendant changes in the ADRL,
1-8.2.1. Revisions. Volumes will be updated periodically
they may be ordered by submitting requisitions to the
by the issuance of a revision, which is a complete
Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Systems Command,
replacement of all pages with all change information
Naval Logistics Library, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099.
1-8.2.2. Routine Changes. Between revisions, routine
changes may be issued in the form of corrected pages