01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-1
TM 1-1500-344-23-1
TO 1-1-689-1
2-6.1. TRAINING. Personnel performing maintenance
Establish Maintenance Requirements
on aircraft shall be trained in basic corrosion control
for Corrosion Control
skills as established by the parent service organization.
Personnel shall be fully aware of the reasons for the
corrosion control program. Without such training and
Establish Requirements
understanding, further damage or additional problems
to Inspect for Corrosion Damage
may result.
Aquire Corrosion Control Equipment
& Consumable Supplies
MENTS. Personnel responsible for corrosion control
maintenance and treatment shall receive the following
Establish Requirements for
Reporting Corrosion Damage
a. Supervisors and corrosion control personnel shall
attend basic corrosion control courses established by
the parent service organization.
Develop & Maintain Maintenance
Instructions Outlining
Corrosion Control Program
b. Cleaning and repair personnel shall be trained in
inspection, identification, cleaning, treatment,
preservation, lubrication, hazardous material handling/
Develop Program to Satisfy Specific
hazardous waste disposal, and proper documentation
Inspection, Cleaning, Treatment,
Preservation & Lubrication Requirements
c. Supervisors shall ensure maximum use of in-
service and on-the-job-training.
Develop Cleaning & Corrosion
Training Program
2-6.3. MAINTENANCE. An effective corrosion control
program shall include thorough cleaning, inspection,
Ensure Proper Training of Personnel
preservation, and lubrication, at specified intervals, in
in Corrosion Identification & Control
accordance with Volumes II and III of this manual.
Check for corrosion damage and integrity of protective
finishes during all scheduled and unscheduled
Conduct Required
maintenance. Early detection and repair of corrosion
Corrosion Inspections
will limit further damage. When corrosion is discovered,
treat corrosion as prescribed in Volumes II and III as
Ensure Cleaning, Treatment,
soon as possible and use only approved materials,
Preservation, & Lubrication
equipment, and techniques. Only affected areas shall
are Completed
be repaired. All maintenance personnel shall report
corrosion promptly, in accordance with directives
established by the parent service organization.
aircraft engine exhausts. Land-based aircraft may be
exposed to industrial gases, salts, rain, mud, and, near
2-7.1. Since corrosion prevention and control for aircraft
salt water, mists containing sea salts. A comprehensive
and avionics is a continuing concern, it is vitally important
corrosion control program shall consist of either a
that corrosion problems are properly reported. Problems
Corrosion Control Work Center or a Corrosion Control
can be corrected and improvements made to prevent
Team with personnel trained in the prevention, early
reoccurrence in future equipment design. Identification
detection, reporting, and repair of corrosion damage.
of the specific causes and extent of corrosion problems
Such a program requires a dedicated effort by all
is essential. Improved equipment performance and
maintenance personnel to prevent corrosion before it
maintenance assistance (personnel, equipment,
starts. These efforts will improve the operational
materials, and procedures) are dependent on this data.
readiness of equipment and minimize costly repairs.