01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-1
TM 1-1500-344-23-1
TO 1-1-689-1
ken, damaged, defective, or inadequate. No one shall
COLLECTION. All activities using this manual are
use protective equipment that is not in a satisfactory
required to use the current maintenance data collection
and serviceable condition. Personnel shall comply with
system(s) of the parent service organization. This will
occupational safety and health requirements, including
enable a record of corrosion-related failures to be
medical examinations, respirator training and fit testing,
submitted to the appropriate technical services facility
and use of protection for eyes, ears, head, skin, and feet.
for analysis. Reporting personnel shall identify/report
corrosion discrepancies in accordance with OPNAVINST
2-8.3. MATERIALS HANDLING. Many of the materials
4709.2 (Navy), TO 00-20-2 (Air Force), or DA PAM
and procedures outlined in this manual are potentially
738-750/DA PAM 738-751 (Army).
hazardous to personnel and potentially damaging to
aircraft, especially with improper use. When using any
chemicals, such as paint removers, detergents,
conversion coatings, and solvents, follow the correct
procedures with appropriate protective gear to prevent
personnel injury and aircraft damage. Read the
appropriate warnings and cautions in this manual prior
2-8.1.1. Work center supervisors shall receive the
to use of any hazardous materials. Misuse of certain
following training in accordance with parent service
materials can damage parts or cause corrosion which
may lead to catastrophic failure. Refer to DoD 6050.5-
LR, Hazardous Materials Information System, or the
a. The recognition and elimination of hazards;
appropriate parent service organization documents for
the handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous
b. Occupational safety and health;
materials. Refer to local directives and policies pertaining
to hazardous waste management. When in doubt,
c. The safety of the individual;
contact the local safety office, industrial hygienist,
bioenvironmental engineer, or regional medical center.
d. Accident investigation and reporting; and
e. The inspection and maintenance of personal
protective equipment (PPE).
2-9.1. Consumable materials and equipment listed in
Volumes IV and V shall be used for corrosion control.
2-8.1.2. Supervisors shall ensure that all corrosion
These materials and equipment have been approved
control personnel are informed of:
only after extensive testing to prove their ability to
perform properly and effectively without damaging any
a. Current safety procedures;
of the metallic or nonmetallic materials used in aircraft.
b. Characteristics of materials to which they will be
2-9.2. Only those materials listed in this manual shall
exposed; and
be used for cleaning or corrosion control of aircraft
components. When several methods or materials are
c. Required protective clothing to ensure safety of
listed, the preferred one is listed first, with alternates
following. Materials listed in other manuals shall be
used only when required procedures are not covered by
2-8.1.3 In addition, supervisors shall ensure that an
this manual. When approved materials are not available,
adequate supply of safety equipment is in a ready-for-
substitutions shall only be made by the appropriate
issue condition, and that the personnel under their
control are given, and use, appropriate protective
Program Manager (SPM).
equipment to prevent accidents, injuries, and
occupational illness.
2-9.3. Materials or processes considered to be an
improvement over existing ones, after local laboratory
analysis and evaluation, shall be forwarded to the
nance personnel shall use appropriate equipment while
exposed to hazardous conditions, and shall report to
Program Manager (SPM) for submission to the parent
the supervisor any protective equipment that is bro-
service organization for further evaluation.