NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
2-2.3.2. Each module or component inducted shall be
Chapter 4, and Volume IV (Navy and Army) or V (Air
inspected for:
Force) of this manual.
a. The type of contamination.
2-3.5. SUPPORT EQUIPMENT USE. Each piece of
support equipment has been selected to perform
b. The extent of corrosion damage.
specific functions. These intended functions are
identified in Chapter 4 and include general limitations
c. Identification of items considered sensitive to
applicable to each type of support equipment.
cleaning and corrosion removal procedures.
Maintenance personnel should refer to the appropriate
support equipment operating manuals for specific
2-2.3.3. After inspection, the "cleaning track" shall be
operating instructions.
2-4.1. GENERAL. A cleaning track represents a
definite process that applies to a particular type of
2-3.1. G E N E R A L . Avionic technicians must
contaminant or corrosion product. This includes
consideration for the restrictions that may apply to a
understand the functions, capabilities, and restrictions
specific piece of support equipment and/or avionic
that apply to each material and piece of support
component. It is important that cleaning equipment
equipment. This prevents damage to personnel and
operators have a thorough knowledge of electrical and
avionic equipment that could result from improper use.
electronic equipment. This should be supplemented
by a knowledge of which components can be processed
2-3.2. MATERIALS. Consumable materials listed in
by a particular cleaning track. These cleaning tracks
Volume IV (Navy and Army) or V (Air Force), Chapter 2,
and equipment listed in Volume IV (Navy and Army) or
V (Air Force), Chapter 3, shall be used for corrosion
control. These materials have been approved only
after extensive testing to prove their ability to perform
The selection of the cleaning track to be used is based
properly and effectively. Materials or processes
on the following criteria:
considered to be an improvement over existing ones,
after local laboratory analysis and evaluation, shall be
forwarded to the Aircraft Controlling Custodians (ACC)
or System Program Manager (SPM) for submission to
Always select the mildest form of cleaning that
the parent service organization for further evaluation.
will accomplish the task.
W h e n approved materials are not available,
substitutions shall only be made by the appropriate
2-3.3. MATERIALS USE. Only those materials listed
b. Accessibility to the contamination or corrosion.
in this manual shall be used for cleaning or corrosion
control of avionic components. Materials listed in other
c. Type of avionic equipment.
manuals shall be used only when required procedures
are not covered by this manual. Promising materials
technology, after local laboratory analysis and
Table 2-1 describes the various forms of contamination
evaluation, shall be forwarded to the parent service
and the cleaning track best suited for each. There is
organization for further evaluation. When several
more than one track available for cleaning each type of
methods or materials are listed, the preferred one is
contamination. Use hand-cleaning procedures as
listed first, with alternates following.
alternatives if cleaning tracks are not available.
2-3.4. SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. Tools and support
equipment authorized for cleaning and corrosion
REQUIREMENTS. The avionic cleaning facility
removal on avionics equipment are listed in this chapter,
supervisor or equipment operator shall identify the