NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
The motion of air against other materials can
2-7.1. GENERAL. Lubrication of equipment performs
generate static charges that degrade or destroy
several important functions. It not only prevents wear
ESD devices. Care must be exercised during
between moving parts but provides a corrosion barrier
handling/repair of these items. Use the
and chemically inhibits corrosion. Particular attention
recommended shop practices outlined in
should be given to lubrication points, hinges, and
latches. Inspect for signs of lubricant breakdown; for
example, caking of grease, loss of oil or dry film
2-6.8.1. Blow off excess water with not more than 10
psi dry air pressure or dry nitrogen. Deflect air off
interior, back, and sides of enclosure to diffuse jet.
2-7.2. REQUIREMENTS. Maintenance personnel
should refer to the applicable service directives for
2-6.8.2. Dry the equipment at approximately 130F
specific lubrication requirements.
(54C) and 26 inches of mercury (Hg) for 1 to 2 hours.