NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
h. Hardware associated with test equipment
housing and covers that are not normally painted
should be preserved as often as necessary, depending
Compound, Corrosion Preventive
on the operating environment. Do not preserve water
seal gaskets.
i. Equipment covers, hinges and latches shall be
b. Apply Water Displacing Corrosion Preventive
Compound, MIL-C-81309 Type II (Volume IV or V,
6-3.2.4. B a t t e r y Compartments. Some support
equipment and general purpose test equipment contain
internal batteries. Clean, neutralize, and preserve the
c. Clean toggle, rotary and push button switches in
battery compartment as follows:
a. Clean and neutralize electrolyte spills in
as applicable.
b. Prepare surface and paint in accordance with
Detergent, General Purpose
e. Clean high impact plastic or acrylic housings
Compound, Corrosion Preventive
with solution of one ounce (2 tablespoons) Detergent,
Liquid Nonionic, MIL-D-16791 Type I (Volume IV or V,
Chapter 2) in one (1) gallon of fresh water. Apply and
rub surface clean using Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46
c. If painting is not practical, temporarily preserve
the cleaned battery compartment with a thin coating of
cleaning solution. When surfaces are clean, remove
Water Displacing Corrosion Preventive Compound,
cleaner residue by wiping with a clean Cleaning Cloth,
CCC-C-46 Class 7, that has been frequently rinsed
and kept damp with clean water.
6-3.2.5. M e t e r s . Voltmeters, ammeters, and
6-3.2.6. Operator and Instrument Panels. General
plastic or acrylic. Normally these meters are not
purpose test equipment, support equipment, and ATE
disassembled for cleaning. Clean as follows:
operator/instrument panels shall be cleaned externally
and preserved as follows:
a. Inspect operator and instrument panels for
Alcohol, Isopropyl
to switches, dials, knobs, and hardware.
a. Clean metal hardware and metal surfaces with
b. Remove any corrosion from metal surfaces with
an application of one part Isopropyl Alcohol, TT-I-735
Abrasive Mat, A-A-58054 Type I (Volume IV or V,
(Volume IV or V, Chapter 2) to one part fresh water.
Wipe clean with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7