01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
The method for internal cleaning of general
Alcohol, Isopropyl
purpose test equipment, support equipment,
and ATE depends on the types of circuit
c o m p o n e n t s involved. This includes
c. Clean metal surfaces with one part Isopropyl
components like tunable cavities, open
Alcohol, TT-I-735 (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2) to one
part fresh water. Apply with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46
rotary switches, and trim potentiometers that
can act as water/solvent traps making drying
difficult. Prior to the internal cleaning of manual
or automatic test equipment, inspect for
components that can act as water or solvent
Compound, Corrosion Preventive
Water Displacing
a. Remove the cover and housing.
d. Apply Water Displacing Corrosion Preventive
b. Inspect for components that can act as water
Compound, MIL-C-81309 Type II (Volume IV or V,
and solvent traps. Refer to Table 2-5 for a list of such
Chapter 2) on metal hardware. Take steps not to get
c. Seal, bag or remove potential water and solvent
e. If required, aluminum surfaces shall be treated
with Chemical Conversion Material, in accordance
d. Remove oil, grease and hydraulic fluid in
accordance with cleaning track DBR2A or DB35. Refer
f. Prepare surface and paint in accordance with
e. If components will fit inside Blast Cleaning
g. Clean and preserve toggle, rotary and pushbutton
Cabinet, remove corrosion and clean in accordance
with cleaning track WSR2C5 or WSR35, as applicable.
h. C l e a n operator/instrument faceplate in
f. If no corrosion products, oil, grease, or hydraulic
fluid exists, clean in accordance with cleaning track
i. Clean and treat light bulb assemblies in
SR2C5 or SR3C5, as applicable. Refer to Table 2-3.
6-3.2.8. Internal Cleaning of General Purpose Test
6-3.2.7. Internal Cleaning of Support Equipment. With
the exception of emergency procedures assigned to
frequency counters usually accumulate more dust and
the internal cleaning of support equipment is normally
and preservation of general purpose test equipment
an Intermediate Maintenance Activity function. This
shall be as follows:
cleaning and preservation of support equipment shall
be as follows: