NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
The method for internal cleaning of general
The method for internal cleaning of general
purpose test equipment, support equipment,
purpose test equipment, support equipment,
and ATE depends on the types of circuit
and ATE depends on the types of circuit
c o m p o n e n t s involved. This includes
c o m p o n e n t s involved. This includes
components like tunable cavities, open
components like tunable cavities, open
rotary switches, and trim potentiometers that
rotary switches, and trim potentiometers that
can act as water/solvent traps making drying
can act as water/solvent traps making drying
difficult. Prior to the internal cleaning of manual
difficult. Prior to the internal cleaning of manual
or automatic test equipment, inspect for
or automatic test equipment, inspect for
components that can act as water or solvent
components that can act as water or solvent
a. Remove the cover and housing.
a. Open cabinet doors, remove cover, and slide
drawers to full extended position.
b. Inspect for components that can act as water
and solvent traps. Refer to Table 2-5 for a list of these
b. Inspect for components that can act as water
and solvent traps. Refer to Table 2-5 for a list of these
c. Seal, bag, or remove potential water/solvent
c. Seal, bag, or remove potential water/solvent
d. U s e Vacuum Cleaner (Volume I V or V,
Chapter 3), to vacuum loose dust, dirt, and lint from the
internal chassis/circuit components.
If wire wrap circuit board construction is used
e. If components will fit inside Blast Cleaning
in ATE, do not apply water or solvents. In wire
Cabinet remove corrosion as clean in accordance with
wrap installations only vacuuming of dirt, dust,
cleaning track WSR2C5 or WSR35, as applicable.
and lint is authorized. Do not apply preservation
materials to wire wrap circuit boards.
f. I f no corrosion products exist, clean in
d. U s e the Vacuum Cleaner, MIL-V-21987
accordance with cleaning track SR2C5 or SR3C5, as
dust, and lint from the internal chassis/circuit
components. Avoid direct contact between the vacuum
cleaner hose wand and delicate circuit components.
6-3.2.9. Internal Cleaning of ATE. ATE is usually
constructed so that circuits are installed in drawers or
cabinet-type racks. In most of these installations
cleaning the whole drawer or cabinet is difficult because
f. Air dry, or dry using hot air gun in accordance
of the weight and size of the assemblies. In such
cases, internal cleaning is done by hand. Where the
assemblies can be removed and mechanically cleaned,
they shall be cleaned and preserved in accordance
be removed and mechanically cleaned shall be cleaned
and preserved as follows: