TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
(13) Immediately insert safety bar (1) through bottom portion of main spring and plunger barrel (2), plunger (3),
and main spring (not visible). Install safety bar pad (4) and safety bar nut (5) Screw safety bar nut (5)
finger-tight and ensure that it is properly seated.
(14) First Time Interval Test.
Ensure that millibar knob (6) is set to 570 m/b and test arming pin (7) is installed Reset FF-2 Release
in accordance with RESET function above.
Firmly grasp FF-2 Release in one hand so that test arming pin (7) faces upwards.
Position a ten-second sweep stopwatch in palm of other hand with thumb directly on plunger and
middle finger around short stem of test arming pin (7).
Using a short, quick pull, simultaneously activate FF-2 Release and stopwatch by removing test
arming pin (7) and at the same time depressing stopwatch plunger.
First time test result should be permanently recorded, but does not have to be within
tolerance of 5.5 to 6.5 seconds; second and third time test must fall within tolerance, but
need not be identical.
When FF-2 Release fires, stop stopwatch and read and record time indicated.