TM 10-1670-300-20&P
TO 14D1-2-469-2
NAVAIR 13-1-42
Main Spring Test. Perform main spring test as follows:
Ensure millibar setting (1)) is at 570 m/b.
Ensure that the frangible cap (2) is securely tightened on
main spring and plunger barrel
Ensure that FF-2 Release is not loaded. If FF-2 Release is
loaded, remove arming pin (3) to fire.
Reset FF-2 Release in accordance with RESET function
Insert the test arming pin (4).
Connect withdrawal hook (5) to vertically-mounted test
scale (6).
Gradually pull downward tension on the FF-2 Release until
test scale indicator disk passes 50 lb mark. Slowly release
the tension.
Check to see that the FF-2 Release has not armed itself
under the 50 lb load. If it has, FF-2 Release mainspring is
unserviceable and must be replaced.
Remove withdrawal hook (5) from test scale (6).
Record accomplishment of main spring strength test for a
serviceable FF-2 Release by making an appropriate entry
on "Organizational, Field and Depot Repair and Inspection
Data" page of individual FF-2 Release log record.
Reset FF-2 Release in accordance with RESET function above.
Load FF-2 Release using stirrup cocking tool as follows:
Place withdrawal hook (1) on stirrup cocking tool (2).
Place one foot in stirrup cocking tool (2) and pull FF-2
Release upwards until main spring is compressed, power
cable (3) is fully extended and has locked into extended
Remove withdrawal hook (1) from stirrup cocking tool (2).