TM 10-3510-208-12
(13) Install the bushing (30) on the burner
burner base (67) and secure with setscrews (65).
base (67).
(2) Install the elbow (64), pipe nozzle (63),
(14) Reconnect the electrode leads.
nozzle adapter (62 ) and oil burner nozzle (61) on
(15) Install the pipe nipple (29) to the burner
the burner base.
base, then install the peep hole glass (28) and
(3) Install the air nozzle (60) on the burner
washer (27).
(16) Install the electrode cover (26) and secure
screws (58).
by installing the peep hole bushing (25), lock-
(4) Install the nut (57), screw (56) and shutter
washers (24) and screws (23).
(55) on air nozzle (60).
(17) Position the valve solenoid (22) onto the
solenoid bracket (34) and secure by installing
(5) Position the plenum chamber (54) and
screws (21 ), lockwashers (20) and nuts (19).
secure by installing bolts (52), lockwashers (51)
(18) Install the power cable (18) and elbow
and nuts (50).
(17) on valve solenoid and handy box.
(6) Position the power transformer (49) and
(19) Install bushings (15 and 16), nipple (14),
cable (48) on bracket and secure with lockwashers
elbow (13), globe valve (12), connector (11) and
(45) and nuts (44).
hose (10).
(7) Secure the handy box (43) to the power
(20) Position the pressure gage (9) on the
(8) Install the elbow (41) on handy box (43).
and screws (7).
(21) Install the tee (6), bushing (5) and elbow
the handy box (43) and secure by installing screw
(4) on the pressure gage (9).
(39), lockwasher (38) and nut (37).
(22) Install the bushing (3), drain cock (2) and
(10) Reconnect all disconnected wiring.
tube nut (1) onto the tee (6).
(11) Install the junction box cover (36) and
4-42. Tumbler Exhaust Motor and Related Parts
secure with screws (35).
(12) Install the solenoid bracket (34) on the
the exhaust motor and related parts.
plenum chamber and secure with bolts (33), lock-
- washers (32) and nuts (31).