TM 10-3510-220-242-55. WATER HOSE ASSEMBLYThis task covers:a. Repairb. ReplaceINITIAL SETUP:ToolsEquipmentCondition:General mechanic’s tool kitTM 10-3510-220-10, Tarp assembly removed, andwater pump assembly removed.Materials/PartsGeneral Safety InstructionsRubber hose and clamps as requiredPetrolatum (Item 8, App C)WARNINGFlying debris can damage eyes and causeblindness. Wear protective eye wear when cuttingor grinding metal parts.REPAIRWARNINGFlying debris can damage eyes and cause blindness. Wearprotective eye wear when cutting or grinding metal parts.NOTEThese procedures tell how to repair all water hoses. If the hose isbroken near the coupling, repair can be done by cutting off thedamaged hose end and replacing the coupling.1. Loosen hose clamps (1) and removecoupling (2) from hose (3).2. Cutoff damaged section of water hose (3).3. Slide hose clamps (1) over end of waterhose (3).4. Insert couplings (2) and tighten hoseclamps (1).5. Ensure gasket (4) is inside coupling (2).REPLACE1. If hose damage is near the center of the hose, replace with new hose of the same length.2. Perform follow-on installation.Install hose in laundry unit (TM 10-3510-220-10).2-196
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