TM 10--3510--221--100019 00--6WATER RECYCLE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING --Continued0019 00STILL PRESSURE HINOTEWhen a STILL PRESSURE HI fault occurs there is good possibility that a boil over will occur.Boil overs will cause steam loaded with anti--foam to be carried through the distillate plumbinginto the coalescing filter. This will result in the premature clogging of the coalescing filter.Repeated STILL PRESSURE HI faults are an indication that the boiling rate in the still is too fastdue to high ambient temperatures. Staggering the laundry cycles so that one drum is washingand rinsing while the other drum is drying will limit the amount of water in the still and greatlyreduce the likelihood of a boil over.1. Observe the sight glass on the still.Is boiling water or foam visible?YES Add anti--foam with hand pump in 1/2 stoke increments as necessary to prevent the still fromboiling over if possible.NO Go to step 2.2. Observe operator panel A display (WP 0008 00, Figure 2, 6) for approximately 5 minutes.After 5 minutes is ”STILL PRESSURE HI” displayed?YES Go to step 3.NO Return to normal operation.3. Observe operation of condenser fan.Is condenser fan on?YES Notify maintenance.NO Go 20 HP INVERTER FAULT.20 HP INVERTER FAULT1. Use MENU SELECTION switch (WP 0008 00, Figure 2, 7) to select PAUSE at both operator panels.2. Position CONTROL POWER switch (Figure 1, 3) to OFF and then back to ON.3. Position MAIN POWER switch (1) to OFF.4. Wait about 20 seconds, then position MAIN POWER switch to ON.5. Position CONTROL POWER switch (3) to ON.6. At inverter enclosure press 20 HP RESET switch (Figure 3, 4).7. Wait about 20 seconds, then observe operator panel A display (Figure 2, 6).Does ”20 HP INVERTER FAULT” message disappear?YES Go to step 8.NO Notify Maintenance.8. At operator panel A use MENU SELECTION switch (7) to select PRESS TO START.9. When FILL TANKS option is displayed select OVERRIDE FILLING.10. When HEAT WATER option is displayed listen for condenser fan to come on.Does condenser fan come on?YES Go to step 11.NO Go to step 12.
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