TM 10--3510--221--100010 00--6LAUNDRY ADVANCED SYSTEM OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSDAILY OPERATING PROCEDURES -- Continued0010 00DAILY OPERATING PROCEDURES -- ContinuedC. Select and Start Laundry Cycle(s)NOTEThe following procedures are performed at operator panel A for drum A and operatorpanel B for drum B.1. Monitor display (WP 0008 00, Figure 2, 6), it should read:WASH CYCLE X SELECT CYCLEWASH= XXX F DRY= XXX FSELECT CYCLE, TEMP, STARTMODIFY TEMPSSTART CYCLEEXAMINE INPUTS2. Press appropriate MENU SELECTION switch as follows:a. Select SELECT CYCLE to toggle to next available cycle until desired laundry cycle is displayed.b. Select MODIFY TEMPS to change displayed washing or drying temperature. Proceed to step 3.c. Select START CYCLE to start laundry cycle. Proceed to step 5.3. Monitor display (7), it should read:WASH CYCLE X MODIFY WASH TEMPWASH= XXX F DRY= XXX FSELECT CYCLE, TEMP, STARTMODIFY DRY TEMPRETURNNOTEIf wash temperature setpoint is changed, water temperature for systems A and B willchange. If dry temperature setpoint is changed only the system where change wasmade will be affected.Changes made to wash temperatures will return to the default setpoint when controlpower is removed from LADS and reapplied.Temperature of water used during a laundry cycle will not change to modified washtemperature until 3 laundry cycles after the change was selected.Changes made to dry temperature will return to the default setpoint after the laundrycycle is completed.4. Press appropriate MENU SELECTION switch as follows:a. Select MODIFY WASH TEMP to change displayed setpoint in 5 degree increments until desired setpoint isdisplayed.b. Select MODIFY DRY TEMP to change displayed setpoint in 5 degree increments until desired setpoint isdisplayed.c. Select RETURN to accept changed setpoints. Return to step 2.5. Repeat laundry cycle selection and startup for other drum and/or proceed to step D to run laundry cycle.
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