TM 10-3510-224-13&P
0006 00
0006 00-4
Operation in snowy or muddy conditions. Ensure TEMPER and CSSL are placed on firm foundations.
Keep the personnel entrance and side double service doors closed to protect the equipment. Also, see
operation in extreme cold conditions, above.
Operation in dusty or sandy conditions. Clean dryer lint filters more frequently. Keep the side double
service doors closed to protect the equipment.
Operation in rainy and/or humid conditions. Keep the side double service doors closed to protect the
Operation in high altitude conditions. CSSL should not be operated above 7000 feet (2128 meters)
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Alert Condition and Decontamination. The CSSL is not
designed or intended for operations during an NBC event or environment, however, if exposed during its
closed travel configuration, decontaminate with relative ease using the procedures in FM 3-5 for
Operational Decontamination. Whenever alerted to possible NBC attack, commanders utilizing the
CSSL should employ, as a minimum, the following contamination avoidance procedures:
1. If time permits, break down the CSSL operations and place it into its traveling configuration with all
components drained and packed inside as described in WP 0005 00-49 Packing for Return Shipment
2. If time does not permit complete repacking, then complete the following as quickly as possible.
3. Disconnect and drain the freshwater and wastewater hoses and store them in the container. Cap the
container hose connection ports.
4. Turn off generator power, disconnect the electric power cables and cover the connector ends and ports.
Store all cables inside the container.
5. Close all CSSL container doors and all window, door and vent flaps on the TEMPER tent.
6. If possible, drain at least the freshwater tank and store it in the container.
Do not place a CSSL that has been through an NBC attack back
into operation until it has been decontaminated. Serious illness,
injury or death to personnel could result.
Decontamination. Decontaminate the exterior of a packed CSSL container IAW operational or thorough
decon procedures in FM 3-5. Have trained personnel check the interior components using appropriate
detection methods and perform further decon as necessary before placing the CSSL into operation.
Replace components that cannot be decontaminated. Dispose of the contaminated components IAW the
instructions of the trained NBC personnel.