TM 10-3510-224-13&P
0009 00
0009 00-1
Introduction, PMCS Procedures
Introduction. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) keeps the CSSL and its associated equipment in
good operating condition. The checks aid in finding, correcting, or reporting problems. Operator personnel are to do the
PMCS jobs as shown in the PMCS table. Pay attention to WARNING and CAUTION statements. A WARNING means
someone could be hurt. A CAUTION means equipment could be damaged.
Do PMCS procedures each day the CSSL is in operation, using the PMCS table in this work package. There are
different intervals to perform PMCS procedures: before, during and after using the equipment, as well as weekly and
monthly. Look at the table carefully to identify the required PMCS interval.
If you find something wrong when performing PMCS, fix the problem using troubleshooting and/or maintenance
The far right-hand column of the PMCS table lists conditions that make the CSSL not fully mission capable. Write down
the problem that cannot be repaired on a DA Form 2404 for unit maintenance. For further information on how to use
this form, see DA PAM 738-750.
If tools that are required to perform PMCS are not listed in the procedures, notify your supervisor.
Inspection. Look for signs of trouble. Use your senses to feel, smell, hear, or see many problems that may exist.
Inspect to see if items are in good condition. Are components correctly installed and secured? Is any damage to the
frame or components visible? Correct any faults or notify Unit Maintenance.
Associated Components. Perform PMCS on the TEMPER, freshwater pump, 3,000 gallon fabric tanks, modified
cargo container, 100 AMP power supply cables and pigtails in accordance with the publications specified in work
package 0040 00, References.
Equipment Condition
CSSL set-up, but not in operation
Rags (WP 0070, Table 1, Item 1)
Light Fluorescent Gen Purp. (WP 0070, Table1, Item 2)
Maintenance Level
Tools and Special Tools