TM 10-3510-226-23
0033 00
Always secure and tag circuit breakers and switches OFF before attempting any
electrical repairs. Remember that the CBL is a wet environment, and capable of posing a
shock hazard even when personnel are not in direct contact with metal parts.
Ensure graywater pipes have been sanitized IAW procedures contained in TB MED 577
before attempting any repairs. Always use provided safety equipment, including hand
and eye protection, when performing maintenance on graywater handling components.
Failure to observe safety precautions may result in serious illness or death from
Remove washer No 1 to replace WTS transfer tank IAW procedures contained in WP
0041 00; washer no. 2 to
replace Waste tank. It
may be
necessary to
remove the pump
receptacle box under the boiler to remove the WTS transfer tank. Remove the boiler vent
to access mounting screws on WTS transfer tank.
1. Drain tank.
2. Remove manual lift knob (Figure 2, Item 2) from waste tank pump P-5, (waste tank only).
3. Remove top (Figure 2, Item 8) of drainage tank (Figure 2, Item 1).
4. Clean and disinfect IAW TB MED 577.
5. Tag and disconnect all hose connections (Figure 2, Item 9) to tank.
6. Disconnect union connecting tank drain valve to tank.
7. Disconnect pump cord plug (Figure 2, Item 10) from receptacle.
8. Disassemble pump cord plug (Figure 2, Item 10).
9. Loosen watertight tank penetration (Figure 2, Item 11) and pull pump wiring through.
10. Loosen hose clamps, and remove discharge hose from pump (Figure 2, Item 12).
11. Remove fasteners retaining pump (Figure 2, Item 12) to tank (Figure 2, Item 1), and remove pump.
12. Remove bolts retaining tank (Figure 2, Item 1) to CBL deck, and remove tank.
13. Remove watertight tank penetration (Figure 2, Item 11) from tank (Figure 2, Item 1).
0033 00-4