TM 10-4510-201-14
b. Allow the bath unit to operate a few minutes
b. Check the water temperature gage (2, fig. 211
A) to see that the temperature registers between 950
closed, in order for the blower to purge any vaporized
and 1050 F. after a few minutes of operation. If the
fuel from the burner.
incoming water supply is extremely cold or warm,
change operating conditions of the heater as follows:
c. Turn off the blower and fuel pump motor switch
located under the switch cover (5).
(1) Cold incoming water. If the temperature
Turn off the water pump motor switch (1, fig. 2-
on the gage does not move after a few minutes of
operation, close the burner fuel control valve (4) very
slowly until the gage registers a temperature between
95 and 105 F.
f. Open the drain cock on the bottom of the water
The burner will automatically shut
chamber. Do not drain water from the bath unit if it is to
off if the water temperature
be shut down for only a short period such as overnight,
exceeds 120 F., and it will start
unless there is danger of freezing.
again when the water temperature
g. Perform the following procedure for putting oil in
drops to the control setting.
the pump when the bath unit is to remain idle for 5 days
or more:
c. Open or close the shower stand control valve
(1) Remove the end of the water heater fuel
(para 2-6 a) to
operate either one or
both shower stands.
feed hose assembly from the 55-gallon fuel drum.
Since the number of shower nozzles being operated will
vary the flow of water to be heated and the temperature
(2) Place the end of the hose assembly into a
of the water, check the temperature gage every few
quart container filled with OE-30 for temperatures of or
above 32 F., OE-10 for temperatures of +40 to 10
F., or OES for temperatures of 0 to -65 F.
2-12. Stopping Bath Unit Operation
(3) Operate the fuel pump until the quart
Close the burner fuel shutoff valve (4, fig. 2-
container is empty, and then stop the pump.
is shutdown during freezing weather, it must be
completely drained (para 2-3 a), the drain cocks must be
This section contains the necessary operating
left open, and the drain plugs must be left out.
instructions, in addition to those previously covered,
which are necessary for the bath unit to function
2-15. Operation in
Dusty Areas
properly under unusual conditions, such as in cold
weather and dusty areas.
Under dusty conditions, keep all fuel containers covered
and dust tight. Inspect the burner electrodes and the
2-14. Operation in Cold Weather
fuel nozzle frequently because the accumulation of dust
and dirt in the burner, by way of the blower, may
To operate the bath unit in cold weather or areas subject
increase the collection of carbon deposits on the burner
to freezing, be sure to fill the generator engine fuel tank
electrodes and the fuel nozzle. During operation,
and the water heater fuel drum at the end of operation to
inspect the burner electrodes through the sight tube
prevent moisture from collecting. Check carefully for
glass. If the spark, instead of firing at the electrode gap,
frozen or burst pipes, joints, connections, and hoses
is moving up and down on the electrodes, it is an
immediately after starting operation. Make provisions to
indication that the electrodes are coated with carbon
prevent the water hose assemblies, the water pump, and
deposits and must be cleaned.
the water heater from freezing. Whenever the bath unit
the auxiliary materiel used in conjunction with the
operation of the bath unit. The auxiliary materiel
This section contains the necessary instructions,
illustrations, descriptions, and references for operating