Reverse the procedure in d (1) above, tightening all
(d) Remove the six screws that hold the
electrical fittings securely. Refer to the wiring diagram
cover to the control panel box, and remove the cover.
(e) Disconnect the wires from the circuit
e. Power Cord Cable, Plug Connectors, and
breaker assembly.
Shields. There are two power cord cables. One is used
(f) Remove the nut that holds the
to connect the generator to the water heater, and the
conduit elbow to the control panel box.
other one is used to connect the generator to the water
pump. Each cable has a male plug connector on one
(g) Remove the conduit tube with elbow
end and a female plug connector on the other end. A
from the control panel box.
rubber shield is used to protect each connector.
(h) Separate the conduit tube from the
f. Inspection. Inspect for broken cables, frayed
insulation, loose electrical connections, and broken or
(i) Pull the wires from the conduit tube.
missing connectors and shields.
(2) Inspection. Inspect for bent and broken
g. Removal. Remove the connectors (1
and 7,
conduit tube, and check the tube and the electrical
4-18) and the shields (2
and 5)
from the power cord
fittings for damaged threads. Inspect for broken wires
cable (4) as follows:
and frayed insulation.
(3) Repair and Installation. Tape bare wires
and replace defective items with serviceable ones.
45 and York-Shipley Model YS49279. If different
Instruction is necessary for a particular model, it will be
This section describes the organizational maintenance
so indicated in the applicable paragraphs for the
instructions for the items or components of the water
particular Army model number. Any deficiencies which
heater listed as Group 03. Unless otherwise specified,
the organizational maintenance personnel are not
the following instructions in this section apply generally
authorized to correct must be reported as stipulated in
to the water heater items or components used for all five
TM 38-750.
Army models SPE 35, SPE 35A SPE 41, SPE 44, SPE