(g) Unscrew and remove the two
4-30. Ignition Transformer
adapters from the transformer.
a. Description. The transformer is mounted on the
(h) Loosen the conduit locknut, and
lower right end of the water heater. It produces a
unscrew and remove the conduit outlet from the
constant high voltage at the burner electrodes. There
(i) Unscrew the locknut from the
assemblies. These two cables carry the current from
(2) Mounting Bracket.
is made up of a high tension lead wire running through a
radio-shielded housing.
capscrews that secure the transformer to the bracket.
b. Removal.
(1) Transformer, Adapters, Conduit Outlet
capscrews that hold the bracket to the water heater.
and Cover.
(c) Remove the two tapping screws that
(a) Loosen the two screws that secure
hold the bracket to the skid.
the conduit outlet cover to the conduit outlet, and
(d) Support the transformer, and
remove the cover.
remove the bracket from the skid.
(b) Remove the wire nuts and separate
(3) Conduit Tube and Wires.
the wires.
(a) Loosen the screws on the condulet
(c) Loosen the conduit tube nut, and
outlet cover, and remove the cover from the condulet
remove the tube (1, fig. 4-21) with wires from the
conduit outlet.
(b) Remove the wire nuts and
(d) Unscrew and remove the two cable
disconnect the wires in the condulet outlet.
assemblies (2) from the transformer adapters.
Tag the wires for identification if
capscrews that hold the transformer to the bracket.
(f) Remove the transformer from the
color-coded wires are not used.