4-31. Skid and Skid Level
a. Description. The skid acts as a base to support the water heater during operation and transit. On Army models
SPE 35 and SPE 35A only, there is a bubble-type level, mounted on the skid beneath the blower. It is used to level the
water heater, longitudinally, when it is being set up for operation.
b. Inspection.
Inspect for broken, cracked and bent skid (4, fig. 4-24). If a
skid is
bent, the heater will not stay
level during operation. A bent skid may also cause damage to the other components of the water heater. Inspect the
level (2) for loose mounting, for broken cover and glass, and for free-bubble movement.
c. Removal.
(1) Skid level. Remove the nuts and screws (1 and 3) that hold the level to the skid (4), and remove the level.