6-9. Skid and Bail Handle
capscrews that secure the tank to the skid, and remove
a. Description.
the tank from the skid.
(1) Skid. The skid is used to support the
c. Repair. Straighten bends. Weld broken or
water heater during operation and transit.
damaged piping, supports, shell, firebox, and bail handle
(2) Bail handle. There are four bail handles
brackets. Make certain the upper and lower manifold
attached in welded brackets on the water heater. Two
piping is completely welded to the tank. Be sure all weld
handles are located on the front, and two handles are
spots on the tank are smooth and complete.
located on the rear. The handles are used to lift and
d. Installation. Replace a defective tank with a
move the water heater.
serviceable one and install it by reversing the
b. .Inspection
procedures in b above.
6-11. Pressure and Temperature Control
The pressure and temperature control is located beside
(2) Bail handle. Inspect for bent, broken and
the control panel box on the water heater. It is an
missing handle.
automatic safety control. It prevents the burner from
being fired until water is in the heater and it prevents
c. Removal.
water that is above 1200F., from being supplied to the
shower head nozzles. When the pressure of the
incoming water reaches 10 pounds per square inch, the
(2) Bail handle. Heat the handle and bend it
pressure contacts in the pressure and temperature
until the ends of it will clear, and come out the holes in
control close. This action causes the solenoid valve to
the welded bracket.
open and, thereby, allows fuel to be supplied to the
burner. When, during operation, the water temperature
d. Repair and Installation.
exceeds 1200F., the contacts open. This action causes
(1) Skid. Straighten all bends. Weld all
the solenoid valve to close, and thereby stops the flow
cracks and breaks to include welding reinforcement
of fuel to the burner.
pipes to the mounting plates, and welding the mounting
plates to the skid. Make certain that repairs made to the
The water heater must be in
skid do not change the alinement of the holes for
operation to adjust the pressure
mounting the heater and assemblies.
and temperature control.
(2) Bail handles. Replace defective handle
a. Control Adjustment (Used on Army Models
with a serviceable one. Heat the handle, and bend it
SPE 35, SPE 35A, SPE 41, SPE 44 and York-Shipley
until the ends will go in the holes in the bracket. Heat
Model YS49279).
the handle again, and bend it in the shape of a handle.
(1) Pressure adjustment. Turn the pressure
adjusting screw (fig. 6-3A) located on top of the control,
clockwise to increase the pressure to 10 pounds per
square inch. Turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise
b. . Removal
to decrease the pressure.
(2) Temperature adjustment. Remove the
remove the water blender valve, shower stand control
cover from the pressure and temperature control. Turn
valve, relief valve, burner assembly, blower, and all
the temperature adjusting screw (fig. 6-3B) clockwise to
other attaching parts from the tank.
a desired point to increase the temperature and
counterclockwise to a desired point to decrease the