TM 10-8400-203-23
(n) Hardware. See (2)(n) above.
(o) Footwear (Shoes and Boots),
(1) This item classification criteria applies to only Central Issue Facility (CIF), Organizational Clothing
and Individual Equipment (OCIE) and Central Initial Issue Point. Army Military Clothing Sales stores are not
affected by this item classification criteria.
(2) Shoes and Boots can be reissued if footwear is treated with a fungicidal spray designed for shoes
and boots (procured Iocally) and is in like new condition, free from obvious stretching or creasing of leather
upper. Indentations insoles of footwear causal by minimal wear is acceptable and suitable for Code A (See
paragraph 1-6a).
(3) Rubber and canvas footwear, and boots, ski, mens leather will be classified in condition Codes A
or Bin accordance with the applicable provisions of (2) above.
(4) The Woodland Temperate, Daytime Desert, and Hot Weather Camouflage Clothing and Individual
Equipment items will be considered serviceable from a fading standpoint if the pattern is visually discemable
and the colors are still subdued in nature.
(1) Decorations, badges, service awards, medals, ribbons, lapel buttons and other insignia and items
of uniform, to include items cited in AR 670-1, will be mutilated to remove their distinctive characteristics prior
to turn-in to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO). Property will be turned in as scrap.
(2) Items not considered distinctive, i.e., Army Green Coat and shirts will be turned in to the DRMO after
the removal of distinctive buttons, insignia, and other such items, for disposition in accordance with DOD
d. PRIORITY FACTORS. In the classification of clothing and equipment, factors of appearance and ser-
viceability inherent in the items will be considered on the following priority basis to determine final classifica-
(1) Items of personal clothing and footwear (excluding work-type uniforms). Appearance and service-
ability - equal priority.
(2) Organizational clothing and equipment and work-type uniforms.
(a) Serviceability - first priority.
(b) Appearance - second priority.
a. Instructions contained in this paragraph will be used as a guide in making inspections of clothing and
individual equipment in the hands of units or individuals for the purpose of determining serviceability
and repair eligibility.
b. Restitching of open seams NOT to be counted as a tear with no limitation length.
c. Previous repairs are NOT to be counted when determining maximum number of repairs.
Maximum repairs mean the number of repairs authorized on an item each time it is turned
in for repair.
Additional repairs are authorized as long as expenditure limits do not exceed 65 percent re-
placement cost. Refer to TB 43-0002-27, Maintenance Expenditure Limits.
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