TM 10-8400-203-23
Bag, Barracks
LIN B13907
Inspection Procedure: inspect for missing or damaged grommets and drawstrings. Check for rips, tears, bums,
snags, oil, grease, or other contaminants.
Code A.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A. They must be complete, clean, having no more
than 3 repaired areas and suitable for issue as is.
Code F
Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing grommets or drawstrings. Rips or holes
cannot exceed 8 inches in length or diameter. No more than 3 repaired areas per bag. Burned
areas exceeding 3 inches are cause for salvage.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Bag, Duffel
LIN B14729
Inspection Procedure: Inspect for rips, tears, holes, dry rot, mildew, missing parts, or weakened material. Check
determine if the bag has a hard painted area for stenciling owner's name.
Code A.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are complete and suitable for issue as is. Item
will have no more than 8 patches.
Code F.
Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing missing or damaged parts or by patching
rips or tears (maximum length 10 inches and no more than 8 patches per item). Burned areas
exceeding 4 inches are not repairable.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the cri teria for Code F.
Bag, Flyers Helmet
LIN B14797
Inspection Procedure: Inspect for rips, tears, holes, and bums on outside or on the inside liner. Check for broken or
missing zippers and snaps. Check velcro fasteners and handles for damage. Check inside pockets for rips and
Code A.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are dean, undamaged, and have no
more than 4 repaired areas.
Code F.
Unserviceable items that can be repaired by no more than 4 repairs (maximum length of
repair 3 inches) or by replacing zippers, snaps, or velcro fasteners.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
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