TM 10--3510--221--24
0227 00--3/4 blank
0227 00
1. Cut a new piece of tube (8) to the same length as tube inserted into old peristaltic pump (7).
2. Slide clamps (13 and 15) onto tube (8).
3. Connect tube (8) to elbow (16), then secure with clamp (15).
4. Connect tube (8) to tee (14), then secure with clamp (13).
5. Position new peristaltic pump (7) on standoffs (12), then secure with four screws (9), lock washers (10), and
flat washers (11).
6. Remove four screws (5) then remove cover (6) from peristaltic pump (7).
7. Insert tube (8) between two rollers (18) and guide (19).
8. Install cover (6) onto peristaltic pump (7) then secure with four screws (5).
9. Route lead wires (3) through panel (4) and into wire duct (2).
10. Connect lead wires (3) as tagged then lay into wire duct (2).
11. Install cover (1) onto wire duct (2).
12. Install new tiedown straps (20) to secure lead wires (3) as necessary.
13. Using maintenance menu control outputs function (WP 0010 00) verify correct operation as follows:
a. Turn on detergent pump A, detergent pump B, or anti--foam pump and verfiy pump is operating.
b. Continue pump operation. When detergent or anti--foam fills tube (8) verify no leaks exist at tube
c. Turn off pump.
14. Turn handle (21) CW, then close door (22).
15. Secure door (22) to main control enclosure (17) by tightening eleven latches (23).