Figure 4-4. Wiring diagram of generator receptacle
and hose clamps, and the relocation of the coupler or
4-15. Suction
the adapter.
a. Description, Inspection and Service. Refer to
(1) Replacement of Coupler or Adapter and
If the hose has punch-lock-type clamps
b. Removal.
Remove the strainer with the
(bands), pry up the clamps enough to insert tin shears;
coupling-half (1, fig. 3-1) from the water pump discharge
then cut both clamps. Remove the clamps form the
hose assembly. Unscrew and remove the coupling-half
hose. Pull coupler with gasket or adaptor from the hose.
from the strainer.
Remove worm-drive -type clamps from the hoses by
c. Installation. Replace defective strainer and
loosening the screws on the clamps and pulling the
coupling-half with serviceable ones, and install them by
coupler with gasket or the adapter from the hose. Install
reversing procedures in a above.
hose clamps on the hose, making certain the screw
heads face in the same direction. Install coupler with a
new gasket or an adapter into the hose end as far as it
will go. Tighten the screws, making sure the clamps are
around the hose securely.
This paragraph applies to both the
(2) Relocation of Coupler or Adapter. If the
suction hose and to the shower stand
hose is leaking at any point within 2 feet of the coupler
and pump hoses.
or adapter, cut off the defective length of
a. Removal, Inspection, Servicing and Installation.
b. Repair. The repair of the hose assemblies is
limited to the replacement of the coupler or adapter