(2) Skid.
and capscrews that hold the water heater to the skid,
(a) Remove the two nuts and
and remove the skid.
capscrews that hold the fuel filter bracket to the skid.
d. Installation. Replace a defective level or skid
(b) Remove the two nuts and
with a serviceable one. Install these items by reversing
capscrews that hold the control panel box bracket to the
the procedure in c above.
e. Repairing the Skid. To repair the skid, refer to
(c) Remove the two self-tapping screws
that hold the transformer mounting bracket to the skid.
(d) Turn the water heater over on one
side, and support it so the skid will be free.
b. Inspection. Inspect for cracked, broken, and
distorted cover. Inspect for deteriorated, broken, and
a. Removal.
torn gasket.
(1) Disconnect the fuel line at the point where
Replace defective cover and
the line connects to the burner elbow.
c. Installation.
gasket with serviceable ones, and install them by
(2) Disconnect the ignition cable assemblies
reversing the procedure in a above. Make certain the
at the points where the leads connect to the burner
gasket is seated properly.
(3) Remove the self-locking cover nuts and
the flat washers that secure the smokebox cover (1, fig.
Do not overtighten the cover nuts.
4-25) to
the gasket (2) and to
the heater.
To do so may distort the cover
and cause leakage of smoke
(4) Remove the cover and the gasket from
around the cover gasket.