7-1. Preparation of
Equipment for
operation of previously preserved components. In
addition to the instructions for preparation of the bath
Limited Storage. Detailed instructions for
unit for shipment given in a above, perform the
the preparation of the bath unit for limited storage are
discussed within this paragraph as follows: NOTE
Limited storage is defined as storage not to exceed
(2) Inspection. Before the bath unit is to be
six months.
stored, it must be inspected thoroughly to be sure it is in
a serviceable condition.
Perform the preventive
Inspect the bath unit for
(1) Inspecting.
maintenance services (paras 4-9 and 4-10) to be sure
conditions such as dirt, oil, corroded spots, missing
the bath unit operates satisfactorily.
Correct all
items, and damages of any nature.
Perform the
deficiencies if the facilities are available for such
inspection procedures relative to the individual
components and assemblies as outlined in the
shall be removed from the bath unit by an approved
method. Approved methods of cleaning, drying, types
(2) Draining and dismantling. Drain the water
of preservatives, and methods of application are
from the heater, water pump, and hoses (para 2-3 a).
described in TM 38-230.
Drain the fuel from the filter, and put oil in the pump
(4) Painting. Repaint all surfaces where the
paint has been damaged or removed. Refer to TM 9-
213 for detailed painting instructions. Apply a medium-
bath unit.
grade protective lubricating oil to exposed, polished, or
(3) Lubricating. Lubricate the generator set in
ground metal surfaces susceptible to corrosion and not
accordance with the instructions in the applicable
otherwise protected.
(5) Packing. Pack or place the bath unit on
Remove all
(4) Cleaning and drying.
the baseboard according to the procedures set forth in a
(6) above. Seal with pressure-sensitive tape, and then
an approved method. Approved methods of cleaning
and drying, the types of preservatives to be used, and
water heater, water pump, hoses, shower stands, and
generator set.
Wrap the suction hose strainer,
in TM 38-230.
generator outlet box, and all repair parts and tools in
barrier material and then seal them.
(5) Seal openings. Seal the end of all hose
assemblies and all openings on the heater, the water
(6) Crating.
pump, and the generator with pressure-sensitive tape,
which conforms to Specification PPP-T-60, Type III,
(a) Place the baseboard with packed bath
Class I.
unit on the bottom frame of the packing crate, and install
(6) Placing on baseboards. Place the bath
the nuts securing the baseboard to the bottom frame of
unit on the baseboard by reversing the procedures in
(b) Place the sides to the bottom frame of the
crate, installing the lag screws to secure the sides to the
It is not necessary to crate the
bath unit for storage not to
exceed six months.
(c) Place the top on the sides of the crate and
install the lag screws to secure the sides.
Regular Storage.
(7) Placing unit in storage. Store the bath
unit in a shelter if possible, and cover it with a tarpaulin.
The bath unit should be free of dust and moisture, and
Regular storage is defined as
easily accessible for inspection and maintenance. If it is
storage which is longer than six
impossible to store the bath unit in a shelter, select a
firm, level, well-drained storage location, protected from
prevailing winds to store the bath unit. Position the bath
(1) General. Detailed instructions for
unit (packed on baseboard) on heavy planking. Cover
preparation of the bath unit for regular storage
the bath unit with a tarpaulin or other suitable waterproof
outlined in this paragraph.
Preservation will
covering, and secure it in a manner that will
accomplished in a sequence that will not require