Figure 47. Tierces double-decked floating load.
Figure 48. Tierces loaded in equipped cars.
In each loading plan, the drums must be loaded
(6) The best method for loading fiberboard drums
tightly throughout the car and be forced back into place.
Drums in all stacks must be offset, as shown in the figures, in
number of drums in the first loaded stack will depend on the
order to maintain two-point contact with adjacent drums.
diameter of the drums and the width of the car. The
Each stack should be in alignment across the car so that the
maximum number of drums possible should be loaded in the
last stacks of the load in the doorway have a "square front" for
first stack to obtain the most desirable offset pattern shown in
proper application of bracing.
the first stack as illustrated.
(8) It is strongly recommended that only full or
Variations in sizes of drums may result in patterns of 434, 6-
complete layers of drums be loaded. A full or complete layer
5-6, 7-7, or
8-7-8. If
the drums are large and will not fit five
referred to here is a layer from the end walls of the car to the
wide across the car as shown in figure 52, then load the
doorway area bracing. If an incomplete layer of drums is
drums in the 43-4 nested pattern as shown in . figure 53. An
loaded, filler material must be placed between the full and
alternate to this would be the 4-4 ) (equal number) offset
incomplete layers. Filler decking is important to maintain
alignment and stability of the drums in multi-layer loads and
may be of