Figure 52. 5-4-5 Nested loading pattern
Figure 53. 4-3-4 Nested loading pattern.
Figure 54. 4-4 (equal number) nested pattern.
(9) A floating load must be started 18 inches or
more away from the end wall, depending on the number of
(7) Anchors must be located a minimum of 3 feet
barrels or drums to be loaded and the floor space required.
back from the front face of the load. After the loading is
The barrels or drums are stowed in a nested configuration.
completed, the metal ties must be properly tensioned and
Upon completion of loading, the steel straps must be drawn
sealed with the proper tools for this purpose.
around the unit in each end of the car and tensioned and
(8) When using the "floating" load method, steel
sealed with the proper tools. It is desirable to tension the
straps are temporarily draped on car sides and end walls prior
straps for each unit at the same time in order to obtain
to loading. Ties must be spaced so as to contact barrels
uniform tension. Fillers with cross cleats at each end must be
above and below the bilge at the quarter hoops and be held in
placed between all layers. Ends of the upper layer must be in
that position with wood or metal stays. A sufficient number of
from the ends of the lower layer a distance of 1 2 barrels or
stays must be used to insure that the steel straps will not drop
out of position, thereby causing a loose load.