Figure 51. Loading heavy-gauge, heavy-duty drums in one layer only:.
wood or fiberboard. When drums are of the same diameter in
fillers used under alternate crosswise rows will provide such
both layers, full width sheets of fiberboard may be used for
contact (fig 57). Heavy-gauge, heavy-duty metal drums
filler material. When different size drums are loaded on top of
loaded in one layer only may be blocked and braced as shown
the floor layer, 1-inch x 3-inch or 1-inch x 4-inch filler boards
may be used and so arranged that two boards come in
contact with each drum.
(4) Crosspieces used in gates should be placed
with narrow face against gate verticals for maximum strength.
c. Bracing and Blocking.
(5) Partial layers should be blocked and braced
(1) A tight compact load is essential in the loading
of barrels, drums, and kegs. Each container should be braced
(6) When using the anchor load method, metal
and blocked within a car by adjacent containers or by properly
ties in the form of flat bands are used for securing gates and
applied bracing to prevent movement or dislodgement.
the lading within the car in lieu of wood bracing. Flat metal
bands must not be less than 1 4 inch by 0.035 inch with a
(2) Lading should be braced against movement or
load strength of 4,000 pounds per tie. The containers should
dislodgement within a car by use of cross car braces and
be loaded and bilge protection applied as described in b(l) and
(2) above. The flat steel straps must be properly threaded
(3) Drums should be braced and blocked as
through anchor plates as shown in figure 37, after which the
specified in (1) above. Single trip or light gauge containers
anchor plates must be securely nailed to the car post in the
easily damaged by contact with cross car bracing must be
protected by application of vertical buffer strips of 1-inch by 6-
inch material between the containers and across car bracing,
Figure 60 shows the preparation of a
car for the anchored
as shown in figure 50. Drums with rolling ;hoops must be
load. Metal or wood stays must be used to keep the straps in
loaded with hoops against sides j of adjacent drums and not
proper position at the quarter hoops.
hoops against hoops.
The hoop to body contact is necessary in preventing the
development of lengthwise slack within the load. Crosswise