Figure 58. Bracing of partial layer.
Figure 59. Application of flat steel strapping to car wall.
1. Pallet dimensions should be such that they
5. When there is any unfilled cross car space,
will occupy maximum floor area.
fillers should be used.
2. Shipping containers on pallets must be stowed
6. It is important to use divider sheets between
by the bonded block method, and containers must be flush
pallet units of different size containers as shown in figures 63,
with outside edges of pallet deckboards.
3. Vertical scores of palletized containers should
6. Procedures for Handling, Stowing, and Bracing of
maintain good alignment. To accomplish this, containers may
be spot glued to pallet deck and to each other or a corrugated
Mixed Merchandise
fiberboard tube may be used to inclose the palletized unit.
a. General Information.
4. Pallet units must be loaded in a straight line
lengthwise of the car.
Most damage in shipments of mixed