TM 10-7360-226-13&P
0017 00
16. After the fabric installation is complete, install the shelter arch components and check the
alignment of the fabric side.
Exterior Drain Hose Coupling Repair: If the coupling gasket is damaged, remove it from the
coupling using long nose pliers and replace it with a new one.
Fabric Repair, Outside Surface or Awning: To repair a tear in the outer fabric or awning, use
the fabric repair kit. Cut a patch of at least a one-inch greater size than the tear in all directions.
Round the corners of the patch. Thoroughly clean the cover surface and roughen it with an
abrasive file.
Apply an even coat of vinyl cement to both surfaces and let them dry for 2 to 5 minutes.
With an assistant supporting the vinyl from inside the shelter, press firmly to bond the surfaces.
Allow twenty-four hours at 60 o F or more to cure before folding up the cover.
Fabric Repair, Inside Surface: With gray duct tape (or equivalent), cover the tear in the
insulation area or tape a patch in place covering all edges. Cut a strip of tape longer than the
tear in the inner liner.
Press one long edge of the tape to the area of the tear ensuring that the ends of the tape extend
past the end of the tear on both ends. Close the tear and press the other side into the tape with
an assistant on the outside providing support. The final appearance on the inside should be a
nearly straight line following the original tear.
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