TM 10-3510-220-242-29. EXTRACTOR ASSEMBLYThis task covers:a. Serviceb. AdjustmentINITIAL SETUPEquipment ConditionToolsTM 10-3510-220-10, Work platform removedfrom transport position.General mechanic’s tool kitPersonnelRequiredGeneral Safety InstructionsTwoWARNINGHigh voltage is present on this equipment.Materials/PartsDo not perform maintenance with powerLubricating oil (Item 17, App C)on. Death or serious injury may result.Lubricating oil, multipurpose(Item 18, App C)Ball bearing grease (Item 19, App C)SERVICENOTEServicing of extractor consists of lubrication only.Refer to LO 10-3510-220-12 for lubrication.1. Disassemble for lubrication as followsa. Turnoff power to extractor.WARNINGHigh voltage is present on this equipment. Do notperform maintenance with power on. Death or seriousinjury may result.2-92
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business